Tuesday, March 25, 2008

evil eye

when i have one of these things, i want to train it to do this

you know i love cute things

sarah m. showed me this, and i think i watched every video on here, then i didnt know what to do with myself.

the old cute standbys:
all things cute
cute pups
cute kittens
cute coyote?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

good people

i like to look at photographs a lot, since thats what i ended up majoring in in college. of all the peoples pictures i look at, theres one person whos photos never cease to amaze me. this persons name is Alec Soth. i dont really want to launch into a commentary of his work, but i do really want you to look at it. i just looked at his website again since i started writing this, and i have hard time not writing something about it. but i dont want to you to look at his work with any preconceived ideas in your head. so just click click click and look at each and every picture on the site and enjoy.

aldonious's name is really just aldo

one time aldo told me his name was aldo joseph, and that he had a twin brother named joseph aldo. then his family came to visit and they told me this is not true. i hate when im gullible and believe anything people say to me.