Sunday, April 13, 2008

dog park days

I took ringo to the dog park yesterday, since it felt like springtime for once. Two young boys came in behind me. I would say their age was 11-13. They did not have dogs with them, so they were hesitant to come into the dog park.
"Is that a golden retriever?" One of the boys asked me.

"no, he's just a hound dog mix." I do not think he knew what a hound dog mix meant. He seemed like the kind of kid who only knew people with pitbulls.

as more people came into the dog park, the kid would ask anyone with a yellowish colored dog if it was a golden retriever.

"I really like golden retrievers." he said to me.

I thought that was interesting since he was not entirely sure what a golden retriever looks like.

"I really want a dog, but my parents wont let me have one cause our backyard is made of dirt and they said the dog would poop and we wouldn't be able to find it and our whole yard would be poop"

"well, you could always bring your dog here to poop" I suggested. He continued to talk about how he liked dogs a lot. He kept trying to pick up a tiny dog who did not want to be picked up. He asked me if you could bring cats here.

"you could" I told him, "but I think the cat would just jump the fence and run away."

"oh yea"

I was thoroughly enjoying these kids enthusiasm for the dog park. Finally, after about 7 wrong golden retriever guesses, someone with an actual golden retriever came in. The kid jumped up and said "thats a golden retriever!"

the owner said "yes, it is a golden retriever."

Then I lost my dog park friend because he went to go play with the golden retriever.

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